(d) cases referred elsewhere for investigation or treatment before the diagnosis was made.
Practically all categories in the chapter could be designated 'not otherwise specified', 'unknown etiology' or 'transient'. In general, categories in this chapter include the less well-defined conditions and symptoms that, without the necessary study of the case to establish a final diagnosis, point perhaps equally to two or more diseases or to two or more systems of the body. Signs and symptoms that point rather definitely to a given diagnosis have been assigned to a category in other chapters of the classification.This chapter includes symptoms, signs, abnormal results of clinical or other investigative procedures, and ill-defined conditions regarding which no diagnosis classifiable elsewhere is recorded.Dimensional Enigmatic Footguards (Mail)Ī valuable piece of equipment to keep regardless of the ilvl.This ability is present on the following four pieces of Cypher Equipment, one for each armor class: Thus, for platforms that are further away than what the Dimensional Translators can reach, you can chain multiple movement abilities together with the Dimensional Translators. However, as an advantage from the Venthyr's Door of Shadows, this ability has no cast time, meaning it can be cast while jumping, falling, using a Goblin Glider Kit, etc. Reading the ability's text, it is my presumption that if dropped at higher Cypher Equipment levels, the distance of this teleport will be increased if someone with a higher item level drop can confirm or deny this, that would be great. It is most similar to Door of Shadows, but has a much shorter range of 10 yds at Cypher Equipment level 1, ilvl 233. The teleport part ( Dimensional Translators) is amazing for getting to "Elusive" ores and herbs and treasures that are otherwise unreachable if you do not have class/spec abilities such as Heroic Leap, Grappling Hook, Demonic Gateway, etc or the Venthyr covenant ability, Door of Shadows. The Dimensional Translators seems to potentially stack with the Kyrian Mikanikos Soulbind's Resilient Plumage for a total of 40% fall damage reduction in Shadowlands zones. Comment by SyrlinThe reduction in fall damage with this piece of "Dimensional" Cypher Equipment is great for facing off against Tahkwitz, who brings you up in the air and drops you while you are fully stunned and unable to use slow falling abilities.